Fdic Bank

  1. Fdic Bank Search
  2. Fdic Bank Of America
  3. Fdic Bank Compliance Regulations


An FDIC insured account is a bank account at an institution where deposits are federally protected against bank failure or theft. The FDIC is a federally backed deposit insurance agency where. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, is a federal government agency that provides insurance to banks. If an insured bank fails, then you won't lose the money you keep at that.

FDIC’s application programming interface (API) lets developers access FDIC’s publically available bank data. This portal provides a complete API solution for building applications using this data. Everything you need to integrate with this API is available below. More data will be added to the portal on an ongoing basis.


This API is open to the public and does not currently require any authentication or API keys to access. The FDIC is collaborating with on the issuance and management of an API key. More information will be provided on how to obtain an API key in the near future.

The Primary Internet Web Addresses listed have been reported to the FDIC by each institution. The hyperlinks to institution Internet sites are provided solely as a convenience to users of the FDIC Internet site. The FDIC has made a limited effort to determine that these links function properly. However, linked sites are not under the control of FDIC, and FDIC is not responsible for the contents of any linked site, or any link contained in a linked site. Even if you access an institution's site by means of the link provided by FDIC, you are responsible for confirming the identity and authenticity of any institution you visit and transact business with online. The inclusion of a link does not imply or constitute an endorsement by FDIC of the institution, its ownership or management, the products or services it offers, or any advertisers or sponsors appearing on the institution's web site.


Provide feedback or submit a question.


Bulk Files

The following documentation describes performing queries on datasets. If you would prefer a bulk download of all records, downloadable bulk files are available here:

  • Institutions (CSV format) - Listing of FDIC-insured banking institution demographic and headquarter location data.
  • Institutions Definitions (CSV format) - Definitions of fields in Institutions data.
  • Locations (CSV format) - Listing of FDIC-insured banks branches and locations.
  • Locations Definitions (CSV format) - Definitions of fields in Locations data.
  • History Events Definitions (CSV format) - Definitions of fields in History data.

API Documentation

See interactive documentation available below to provide an overview of the API.

Filter Syntax

The API uses the Elastic Search query string syntax for filtering. Some notes on the filter syntax include:

  • To match a phrase, use double quotes:
  • To exclude a phrase or value:
  • The 'AND' and 'OR' operators can be used to combine filters:
  • Dates must be entered in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format:
  • Ranges can be expressed with '[]' (inclusive) or '{}' (exclusive), using '*' for an open ended range
    • Date range that includes 2010-01-01 and 2010-12-31:
    • Date range that includes only dates between 2010-01-01 and 2010-12-31:
    • Number range including institutions with domestic deposits under 10,000 ($thousands)
  • Open ended ranges can be expressed using a '*'

Output Formats

Data output is available as JSON or CSV. The format is controlled by the Accept header. See the Responses section in the interactive documentation below for examples.

Fdic Bank Of America

API Endpoints

Release Notes

Fdic Bank Compliance Regulations

February 18, 2020 - Added Institution name search and Institution web address (WEBADDR) to the Institution API. Institution name search is a flexible text search against institution records. This search supports text search and fuzzy matching, as opposed to filters that are exact matches.